曾经听泰国的厨师朋友说在90年代的泰国,东炎真的只是拿来煮海鲜汤的,并没有拿来炒饭,炒面,炒米粉的。当我正在学厨的时候,槟城确实已经正在流行拿东炎酱来炒饭,炒米粉,焖面,弄火锅。追溯起来是否应该是由一众富有创意的海南籍老师傅们的创作? 真的已经无从知晓了。
这道是我从一家已经歇业的餐厅里吃到的,由高中三开始,每星期至少去吃一回,吃了一连几年,吃到吃出记忆哈哈。当年城中城商场里的STRAWBERRY CAFÉ,应该很多70/80后的人都不会陌生吧。
Fried Rice is always my best choice for QUICK LUNCH in a busy day , hope you all will like this as well ~! Happy Cooking ~ Happy Day~!
材料 Ingredients :
(A)主料 Main
白饭 steamed rice -1 碗(我个人喜欢用刚煮好的香米饭,喜欢它的膨松软糯,够水份) 1 bowl ( I prefer freshly cooked , fluffy and full with frangrance of the grains with moist)
食油 oil -2 汤匙; 2tbs
红葱或洋葱 shallot or onions – 半汤匙细切; 1/2 tbs ( thinly sliced)
虾仁 shrimps – 少许; a few (peeled)
鸡胸肉 chicken breast – 少许; a few (diced)
蒜末garlic – 半茶匙; 1/2 tsp
小辣椒 bird's eye chili – 3只打开; 3 pieces ( smashed)
细切泰国柑叶 finely Chopped Kaffir Lime leaves – 2片 ; 2 leaves
番茄 tomato – 一角切细丁; 1 wedge ( diced)
鸡蛋 egg – 一颗 ; 1 egg
(B)味道之源 Source of the Taste
酱油 soy sauce -1 茶匙 ; 1 tsp
晒油 dark soy sauce – 几滴着色; few drops to colour
糖 sugar – 半茶匙 ; 1/2 tsp
你喜爱的牌子的东炎酱料 your favourite TOM YAM paste – 3/4匙; 3/4 tbs
胡椒粉 pepper – 少许 a dash
番茄酱 Tomato Ketchup – 1/4 汤匙 ; 1/4 tbs
青柠汁 fresh lime juice – 1茶匙 ; 1 tsp
(C)装饰 Garnish
葱花 chopped spring onions – 1茶匙或更多 ; 1 tsp or more
仿蟹肉 Crab Stick ( KANIKAMA) – 2条解冻切细; 2 no ( defrost n thinly sliced)
方法 Methods:
Prepare your rice with (B) and slightly mix well.
1) Heat up the pan at medium heat , add in 2 tbs oil , saute sliced shallots until fragrant , add in shrimps and chicken breast slightly stir n toss until slightly cooked , add in garlic ,tomato cubes,Bird's eye chili,sliced Kaffir Lime Leaves,eggs , stir well until fluffy , slightly cooked , foamy .
2) Put in the rice mixture , and start fry rice on a medium flame until all heated up and mixed well , off the flame and add in 1 tsp lime juice . Mixed well and lastly put in spring onions and serve on a plate , garnish with sliced crab stick.
Serve Hot ,
Bon Apetite~!!