

Lemongrass Chicken | 香茅鸡 | Spicy and Easy Chicken Recipes |

Lemongrass Chicken

An Aromatic and rice going dish.

Whole leg of chicken 2 (deboned and cut into bite size)

diced chilis 1 piece
diced ginger 1 inch
diced garlic 3 cloves
diced lemongrass  

light soy sauce 2 tbs
fish sauce 2 tbs
sugar 2 tbs
water 150ml
cooking oil 2 tbs
Onion wedges 1 pieces.

1. Debone and clean chicken whoe leg. Set aside to Marinate with salt , pepper, some corn flour, half from portioned fish sauce and half from portioned oil.

2, Cut red chili , ginger, garlic and lemongrass into tiny dice.

3. Mix Sugar , soy sauce fish Sauce together into a bowl. Stir in all chili and lemongrass to mix well.

4. Heat up a pan with some oil , put chicken pieces slowly into the pan and slowly cook them, after awhile when chicken meat start to brown in one face , start to turn and toss them.

5. Set aside when the meat almost cooked , no more pinkish colour , both sides are heated up . For those who like their chicken have more crispiness may add more corn flour when marinating , and fry in oil for longer time.

6.Heat up sauce in same pan with some leftover oil from chicken frying. Bring the sauce mixer to boil, when you smell the lemongrass fragrant wait the sauce getting thicker , stir constantly.

7. When the sauce mixer getting thicker , add in the chicken we cooked justnow into the pan and continue stiring.

The sauce contain high suger content, when it start to caramelise add in the onion wedges, boil mix well and serve hot.

Hope you like it ~ and Enjoy ~!  



全鸡腿 两只 去骨 切小块

辣椒 一只 去籽 切细末

姜 小块 去皮 切细末

蒜头 三小瓣 去皮 切细末

香茅 一支 取下节 捣烂 切细末

酱油 两汤匙

鱼露 两汤匙

糖 两汤匙

水 150ml

油 两汤匙

洋葱 一颗 切块


1. 将洗净切好的鸡块腌制,闲置一旁让其入味。
3. 将糖,酱油,鱼露,水和油混合,加入切好的辛香料辣椒。





4 人用


油 1 tbs
洋蔥切丁 150g ( 若能接受西芹,改 洋蔥100g , 西芹50g )
紅蘿蔔切丁 50g
馬鈴薯切丁 50g
牛油 30g
麵粉 30g
蕃茄膏 1 tbs
雞高湯 800ml
醬油 1 tbs
蠔油 1 tbs
紹興酒 或 威士忌 1 tbs
糖 2 tsp
青檸汁 1 tsp

方法 :
  1. 燒熱油鍋, 炒蔬菜至軟和透香. 放一旁待用.
  2. 中火燒熱鍋子溶化牛油, 炒制麵粉至金黃.
  3. 加入蕃茄膏, 攪勻 .
  4. 一邊不停攪動, 一邊加入熱高湯, 攪至完全融化.
  5. 加入炒好的蔬菜和其他調料,煮至大滾後轉中小火慢煮 25 分鐘至紅蘿蔔完全軟化. 湯汁會在煮的過程變得越來越濃稠, 未免鍋底燒焦,需不定時攪動.
  6. 調味, 趁熱享用.


雞全腿 4 只
鹽 和  胡椒粉
麵粉 100g
雞蛋 1 (打散)

  1. 將全雞腿去骨.
  2. 將兩面醃製10分鐘.
  3. 裹麵粉,蛋漿,再裹上 一層面粉.
  4. 置一旁讓麵衣吸收.
  5. 取一深鍋,燒熱油至180'c. 轉至中火, 雞皮朝下放入雞塊油炸.每面約炸3分鐘. 撈起,轉大火每面再炸30秒. 雞肉若太大塊就需要中火時炸久一些.
  6. 瀝乾油份. 趁熱享用.

No Mayo Coleslaw

高麗菜 1/2 個  泡水後沖洗, 切絲
紅蘿蔔 1/2 個  清洗後削皮,切絲.
鹽 2 tsp
開水 (室溫)
白醋 2 tbs
糖 1 tbs

  1. 用鹽將蔬菜醃製. 待用.
  2. 約15分鐘後,用開水將蔬菜沖洗, 瀝乾,用手擠壓乾.
  3. 取一大碗,加入白醋和糖, 攪溶.
  4. 加入蔬菜攪勻,蓋上保鮮膜冷藏至少20分鐘至入味. 喜歡美乃滋可以加入一大匙
  5. 冷食.


馬鈴薯 300g (可以預備更多,煮好,切好,分包冷凍.需要多少取出多少.)

  1. 將馬鈴薯洗淨.連皮水煮20分鐘或更久至軟透.
  2. 用水沖涼馬鈴薯. 取皮.
  3. 切成長條,置於盤中後用保鮮膜蓋好,冷凍至少30分鐘.(最好1小時)
  4. 取一深鍋子燒熱油至180'c. 直接取結冰的薯條放入鍋中油炸金黃.
  5. 過程中不斷攪動.起鍋前瀝起,壤油溫再度升起後續炸數十秒至酥脆.
  6. 瀝乾油份後置入一盆中,灑鹽,搖晃盆子至撈勻.趁熱享用. 

擺盤: 盤子下侧放置雞扒,上側為薯條和醃菜.


Full English Recipes :  http://flavourstalk.com.my/orientalchickenchop/ ‎

Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Flavourstalk/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/EIZmW3aef18


[Recipes Sharing] Lychees Salad Prawns 荔枝沙拉虾球


Been after festive season for a month time , there are still some chicken meat floss and canned Lychees left behind, so we try to compile them into a dish and suprisingly the taste and textures do matches each others , its an easy recipe and hope you will like it.

Lychees Salad Prawns
Peeled Prawns - 12 nos
salt - a pinch ( slightly season prawns with salt and rinse away with water.)
sesame oil - few drops
egg white - 1 no
corn flour - to coat
oil - for deep frying
(B) sauces
Sweet Plum Sauce -  1 tablespoon
Mayonaise - 2 tbs ( chilled in plastic bag and tie it up , cut small hole at the edge to be piping bag.)
(C) Accompaniments and garnishes
Canned Lychees - few pieces (chilled)
toasted black sesame seeds - a pinch
Chicken Floss - a few to garnish
Sliced Lettuce - to garnish

1) Cut prawns into butterfly , clean , marinate with salt , rinsed and add in egg white and sesame oil , coat with corn flour .
2) Heat up oil and deep fry prawns until golden brown and crispy , set aside.
3) Place sliced lettuce on a plate.
4)In a mixing bowl , mix well fried prawns with sweet plum sauce.
5)Place fried prawns with Lychees on plate , sprinkle chicken floss on it.
6)Press chilled Mayonaise on the prawns and lychees , sprinkle toasted black sesame seeds on top , serve.

剥壳大虾 - 12只 (开边洗净沥干)
盐- 少许 (腌虾肉,用水洗净)
麻油 - 1 茶匙
蛋白 - 1 颗
玉米粉 - 裹粉用粉
油 - 油炸用油
酸梅酱 - 1 汤匙
美奶滋 - 2 汤匙 (装进袋子然后绑紧,尽量绑进空气,冷藏。用时剪去一端,挤压便可)
罐头荔枝 - 数颗 (冷藏)
黑芝麻 - 少许 (烘香)
鸡肉丝- 少许 (装饰用)
生菜丝-少许 (装饰用)



Sambal Prawns Recipes

三拜虾<<Sambal Prawns>>
三拜,不是拜拜的意思,南洋一带,三拜Sambal多指辣酱或辛香料制作而成的辣酱。这个食谱里用的是Sambal Belachan,虾酱三拜正是辣椒加了虾酱来制作。虾酱是南洋厨房不可或缺的调味圣品。它是用小虾头制作的虾头捣的酱,经腌制,发酵,结块,晒干过程来制作。使用入菜时再烘香烘熟之后才使用,味道鲜咸浓香,特别惹味,吃过的人都很难忘记它的“香”。

 # Ingredients :
油 oil - 200 ml
削皮黄瓜 peeled cucumber - 20g ( cut into small pieces)
大白虾 white Prawns - 300 g ( peeled center shell , use a tooth pick to pick away the intestine. If the size is big , need to cut a butterfy cut at the back.)

油 oil - 2 tbs
洋葱 onions - 2 no ( finely shredded horizontally)
马来煎粉 baked beachan powder - 1 1/2 tbs
红辣椒 red chiles - 8 nos (blended, if you like spicier may add in chili padi)

罗望子汁 turmarind juice - 30 ml
椰糖 gula melaka - 1 tbs ( blended)
水 water - 200 ml
盐 和糖 调味 salt and sugar to taste
葱花装饰 finely sliced spring onions to garnish

# Methods:
1) Heat up a pan at medium heat , add in oil, heat up fry the prawns , then the cucumbers , fry the white prawns until golden brown, drain both together and set aside.

2) Heat up another pan at medium heat , add in oil , saute onions until slightly soft add in baked belachan , chili paste and fry until fragrant and the oil turns red.

3) Add in white prawns , pour turmarind juice and gula melaka , stir fry for a while .Add in water, turn to high heat , stir consistantly while the sauce boiling, stir until thicken a bit, lower the flame , adjust to your taste with sugar and salt. Garnish with spring onions.
Serve Hot ~
Bon Appetit~!

2) 另一锅子,用中火烧热油,下洋葱炒几下,续下三拜酱,炒至香气四溢。


Chicken Wings In Satay Sauce Recipes


材料 Ingredients:

鸡翅 Chicken Wings - 10 pieces
#洗净,沥干易入味 Cleanse and Drain well for marination.
腌料 The Marinade:
香茅 lemongrass -1 stalk (取白色部分 use stalk part
小红葱 shallots - 2 mo
去皮蒜头 peeled garlic bulbs - 2
辣椒 chilli - 1 no
辣椒粉 chilli powder - 1/8 tsp
新鲜黄姜 Fresh Turmeric - 3cm, 1 pieces
黑酱油 Dark Soy Sauce - 1/8 tsp
酱油 Soy Sauce - 1/2 tbs
玉米粉 Corn Flour - 1 tbs
食油 Cooking Oil - 2 tbs
糖 Sugar - 1/2 tbs
盐 Salt - 1/2 tsp
水 Water - 1 tbs

# 将全部腌料的材料用机器打匀。 Blend everything in blender into puree.

步骤 Methods:
1。把打好的腌料和鸡翅调匀,用胶袋包好,然后放在冰箱下格腌制一晚 ,将鸡肉放在保鲜袋里腌效果最好。
## Mix well the puree with the chicken wings.Marinate the chicken wings in a plastic bag and place in refrigerater for a night.

2。烧热一锅油 , 把鸡翅下锅炸, 调中火炸至香,脆,熟。
Heat up oil , and deep fry the chicken wings under medium heat until cooked.

Serve Hot ~
Bon Appetit~!

*****沙爹酱 THE SATAY SAUCE*****
材料 Ingredients:

油 Oil - 5 tbs
水 Water - 2 tbs
洋葱 Onion - 1
小红葱 Shallots - 3
蒜头 Garlic - 2
黄姜 Turmeric - 1 inch
南姜 Galangal 1 inch (去皮,切片 peel and slice)
香茅 Lemongrass - 2 stalks(切片 slice)
辣椒 Chilli - 5
辣椒干 Dried Chilli -3 pieces (剪碎 cut into pieces)

烘香碎花生 Toasted , grounded peanuts - 120g
水 Water - 300 ml
花生酱 Peanut Butter - 1 tbs
牛奶膏 Sweetened Condensed Milk - 1 tbs
糖 Sugar - 1 tsp
用盐调味 salt to taste


## Blend (A) into puree.
2) 烧热锅子,中火炒(A).
## Heat up wok ,slowly fry (A) until fragrant.
3)加入 (B) 小火煮至浓稠。
## Add in (B) simmer until thicken.
## Taste with salt.

Prawn Fritters Recipes

大虾 (去头和身的壳)Prawns (Peel off the head and body shell) - 15 pieces
面粉 Wheat Flour - 30g
## 在背部切一小刀,洗净沙肠,用盐水洗一洗然后裹上薄薄的粉备用。
Cut the bake of the prawns into butterfly cut , clean then rinsed with salted water, coat with thin layer of flour , set aside. 
面粉 Wheat Flour - 170g
木薯粉 Tapioca Flour - 30g
发粉 Baking Powder - 5g
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Sugar - 1/4 tsp
Cooking Oil - 60 ml
没冰冰水 Icy Cold Water -120 ml
## 依照顺序把粉和调味都放在一大碗里,先加油调匀然后再调如水化浆备用。
In a mixing bowl mix in all flours and seasonings , stir in oil and mix well.Whisk in water and turn it into a cake batter like batter,set aside.
(C) 油炸用油
Oil for deep frying
方法 Methods
# Heat up a wok , add in enough oil for frying , bring the oil to boil then turn into mediem low flame , when you see light smoke from the oil , can start to deep fry the prawns. Wok always bigger ,when oil over heated will catch fire so that the oil never over filled.
# Slowly coat the prawns into the batter and slowly place into the heated oil , fry for 1 minute then turn to another side. Repeat the same steps until you complete all prawns. Maximum 3 to 4 prawns a time , so the batter do not stick together.
Serve HOT


【让味道说话】Pulau Tikus 胡须海 鱼头米粉

【让味道说话】Pulau Tikus 胡须海 鱼头米粉


胡须海海鲜米粉汤 Pulau Tikus
269, Jalan Burma
10350 George Town, Penang, Malaysia
营业时间 : 6pm ~ 11pm
星期日休息 Sunday Closed



曾经听泰国的厨师朋友说在90年代的泰国,东炎真的只是拿来煮海鲜汤的,并没有拿来炒饭,炒面,炒米粉的。当我正在学厨的时候,槟城确实已经正在流行拿东炎酱来炒饭,炒米粉,焖面,弄火锅。追溯起来是否应该是由一众富有创意的海南籍老师傅们的创作? 真的已经无从知晓了。
这道是我从一家已经歇业的餐厅里吃到的,由高中三开始,每星期至少去吃一回,吃了一连几年,吃到吃出记忆哈哈。当年城中城商场里的STRAWBERRY CAFÉ,应该很多70/80后的人都不会陌生吧。
Fried Rice is always my best choice for QUICK LUNCH in a busy day , hope you all will like this as well ~! Happy Cooking ~ Happy Day~!
材料 Ingredients :
(A)主料 Main
白饭 steamed rice -1 碗(我个人喜欢用刚煮好的香米饭,喜欢它的膨松软糯,够水份) 1 bowl ( I prefer freshly cooked , fluffy and full with frangrance of the grains with moist)
食油 oil -2 汤匙 2tbs
红葱或洋葱 shallot or onions – 半汤匙细切1/2 tbs ( thinly sliced)
虾仁 shrimps – 少许 a few (peeled)
鸡胸肉 chicken breast – 少许 a few (diced)
蒜末garlic – 半茶匙1/2 tsp
小辣椒 bird's eye chili – 3只打开 3 pieces ( smashed)
细切泰国柑叶 finely Chopped Kaffir Lime leaves – 2片 ; 2 leaves
番茄 tomato – 一角切细丁 1 wedge ( diced)
鸡蛋 egg – 一颗 ; 1 egg
(B)味道之源 Source of the Taste
酱油 soy sauce -1 茶匙 ; 1 tsp
晒油 dark soy sauce – 几滴着色few drops to colour
sugar – 半茶匙   1/2 tsp
你喜爱的牌子的东炎酱料 your favourite TOM YAM paste – 3/4 3/4 tbs
胡椒粉 pepper – 少许 a dash
番茄酱 Tomato Ketchup – 1/4 汤匙   1/4 tbs
青柠汁 fresh lime juice – 1茶匙 ; 1 tsp
(C)装饰 Garnish
葱花 chopped spring onions – 1茶匙或更多 ; 1 tsp or more
仿蟹肉 Crab Stick ( KANIKAMA) – 2条解冻切细2 no ( defrost n thinly sliced)
方法 Methods:
Prepare your rice with (B) and slightly mix well.
1) Heat up the pan at medium heat , add in 2 tbs oil , saute sliced shallots until fragrant , add in shrimps and chicken breast slightly stir n toss until slightly cooked , add in garlic ,tomato cubes,Bird's eye chili,sliced Kaffir Lime Leaves,eggs , stir well until fluffy , slightly cooked , foamy .
2) Put in the rice mixture , and start fry rice on a medium flame until all heated up and mixed well , off the flame and add in 1 tsp lime juice . Mixed well and lastly put in spring onions and serve on a plate , garnish with sliced crab stick.
Serve Hot ,
Bon Apetite~!!




Some dish for your porridge or rice? Make something different from your normal steamed pork menu , try this old school recipe uses salted egg yolk as the combination with the minced pork. Savoury and fragrance of the salted egg yolk makes a perfect match with minced pork patie ,a simple preparation and interesting dish for your meal with family.

Steamed Pork with Salted Egg Yolk
材料 Ingredients
较肉 Minced Pork - 250g
冬菜 Preserved Vegetable (Dong Choi)- 1/2 tsp ( 用水浸泡沥干 Soaked in water,drained well)
金蒜末 Fried minced garlic - 1/2 tsp
姜末 Minced ginger - 1/2 tsp
咸蛋黄Salted egg yolk - 2 pcs (用袋子包着然后用罐子砚扁,切丁Cover the egg yolk with the plastic bag , flatten with bottle or rolling pin diced)
马蹄粒 Diced Water Chestnuts - 4 pcs
酱油 Soy sauce - 1 tbs (好的酱油 top grade soy sauce)
麻油 Sesame Oil - 1 tsp
鸡蛋白 Chicken Egg White - 1 tbs ( 不是咸蛋白Not the salted egg white)
玉米粉 Corn Starch - 1 tsp

#把材料较匀抛搭后弄成肉团子放置在耐热瓷碟上或不锈钢碟上备用。Mix well,knead well , throw and punch a bit.. LOL shape into a patie and lay on a heatable chinaware or some stainless steelware.
咸蛋黄Salted egg yolk - 1 pcs (用袋子包着然后用罐子砚扁,切块,放在肉团子上轻轻压扁

Cover the egg yolk with the plastic bag , flatten with bottle or rolling pin, cut into pieces,lay on the pork Patie slightly press)
Hot Chicken Stock Or Hot Water - 200 ml (注入热烫备用 Pour in Hot stock set aside.)
葱花 chopped spring onions to garnish
方法 Methods
1)预热蒸笼,将整盘肉放进蒸笼内,关好盖子,大火蒸 10分钟 让咸蛋黄化油。
Preheat your steamer , place whole plate into the steamer , cover it well amd steam under strong flame for 10 minutes until the salted egg yolk drips oil.

Garnish with Spring Onion rings

Serve Hot ~
Bon Appetit~!!



1)清蒸 - 原只螃蟹或剁开洗净,干蒸,酒蒸蛋白蒸。古时后也流行过用菊花,绍兴酒,和鸡油同蒸,以取菊花飘香,以绍兴酒驱风去湿,古时后中国饮食文化,确实考究,与食疗息息相关。
2)煸(福建话发音“BHENG") - 螃蟹用锅和盖加水,再把水烧干,烧红,甚至烧至微焦,蟹壳烧焦了反而飘香,那种味道你烤虾,或烤蚝都烤不出的诱人幽香。水份给烧干了,新鲜的螃蟹的肉味更显浓缩,吃起来就更加鲜甜滋味。
3)焖煮/炒 - 以前大家吃的炒螃蟹都不会上粉,也不会下油锅炸后再炒制,都会由生至熟,少油把锅子烧红后逐一把剁好,洗好的螃蟹放入锅子炒,但完全按照这样的步骤确实不可能在短时间内把螃蟹炒好,以配合现今社会分秒必争的文化确实偏离了,所以一年复一年,跟着时代不停进化,百物不停的涨价,生活步伐急促了,烹调也跟着时代不断进化而繁衍出许多红极一时的口味。由起先单调的番茄辣椒酱,衍生到后来的,黑胡椒,咖喱,甘香,白胡椒,青胡椒,金沙(油炸乳酪),芝士(酱汁焖),更引进香港闻名的避风塘炒蟹,最近十年也有商家把福州传统名菜,“红寻米糕”来了个变奏,把糯米换成香米,再以虾米辛香料,高汤和螃蟹一起火局熟,或干爽奉客,或在以酱汁浇着吃。变化已融入其他国籍的料理元素,或创新,或复古,或融合,百花齐放,任君选择。

材料 Ingredients:
油 oil - 2 tbs
姜丝 shredded ginger - 2 tbs
蒜茸 garlic - 1 tsp
辣椒丝 sliced red chilies - 1/2 tbs
泥蟹 或 花蟹洗净,斩块 Mud Crab or Flower Crab - 2 kg ( Cleaned and cut into pieces)
番茄酱 Tomato Ketchup - 2 bottle ( 340 g per bottle )
辣椒酱 Chili Sauce - 2 tbs
梅子酱 Plum Sauce - 2 tbs
糖 Sugar - 4 tsp
盐 salt - 1/2 tsp ( to your own taste)
玉米粉 corn starch solution for
thickening - approximate 2 tbs
水 water - 4cups ( enugh to cover crabs)
蛋 egg - 1 no
##方法 Methods
1) 用中火把锅子烧热 , 放 2 tbs 油 , 爆香姜丝,蒜茸,辣椒丝。
2) 加入蟹块 , 兜炒至橙红色 , 加入番茄酱,辣椒酱,酸梅酱, 炒至油翻红.
3)调味 , 加水大火滚,关盖 , 焖煮6分钟。如果螃蟹较大只则多焖煮久一些。
5)转小火,慢慢调入蛋花。上盘, 趁热享用~

Chilli Crabs
Oil - 2 tbs
Shredded ginger - 2 tbs
Garlic - 1 tsp
Sliced red chilies - 1/2 tbs
Mud Crab or Flower Crab - 2 kg ( Cleaned and cut into pieces)
Tomato Ketchup - 2 bottle ( 340 g per bottle )
Chili Sauce - 2 tbs
Plum Sauce - 2 tbs
Sugar - 4 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp ( to your own taste)
Corn starch solution for
thickening - approximate 2 tbs
Water - 4 cups( enough to cover crabs)
Egg - 1 no
1) Heat up oil in wok with medium heat , saute sliced ginger ,garlic and shredded chillies until slightly fragrant.
2) Add in cleaned and knocked crab pieces into the wok , keep tossing it with laddle until all sides turn into reddish orange colour, add in ketchup and other sauces and stir fry until the oil become red in colour.
3) Season with salt and sugar , add in water,bring to boil and cover with lid. simmer for 6minutes, simmer for extra few minutes if the crab is big.
4) Remove lid , mix well and thicken the sauce. Toss well.
5)Turn into low flame and pour in eggs , slowly stir well to get egg set into small pieces. Serve hot and Bon Appetit ~~