1)清蒸 - 原只螃蟹或剁开洗净,干蒸,酒蒸蛋白蒸。古时后也流行过用菊花,绍兴酒,和鸡油同蒸,以取菊花飘香,以绍兴酒驱风去湿,古时后中国饮食文化,确实考究,与食疗息息相关。
2)煸(福建话发音“BHENG") - 螃蟹用锅和盖加水,再把水烧干,烧红,甚至烧至微焦,蟹壳烧焦了反而飘香,那种味道你烤虾,或烤蚝都烤不出的诱人幽香。水份给烧干了,新鲜的螃蟹的肉味更显浓缩,吃起来就更加鲜甜滋味。
3)焖煮/炒 - 以前大家吃的炒螃蟹都不会上粉,也不会下油锅炸后再炒制,都会由生至熟,少油把锅子烧红后逐一把剁好,洗好的螃蟹放入锅子炒,但完全按照这样的步骤确实不可能在短时间内把螃蟹炒好,以配合现今社会分秒必争的文化确实偏离了,所以一年复一年,跟着时代不停进化,百物不停的涨价,生活步伐急促了,烹调也跟着时代不断进化而繁衍出许多红极一时的口味。由起先单调的番茄辣椒酱,衍生到后来的,黑胡椒,咖喱,甘香,白胡椒,青胡椒,金沙(油炸乳酪),芝士(酱汁焖),更引进香港闻名的避风塘炒蟹,最近十年也有商家把福州传统名菜,“红寻米糕”来了个变奏,把糯米换成香米,再以虾米辛香料,高汤和螃蟹一起火局熟,或干爽奉客,或在以酱汁浇着吃。变化已融入其他国籍的料理元素,或创新,或复古,或融合,百花齐放,任君选择。
材料 Ingredients:
油 oil - 2 tbs
姜丝 shredded ginger - 2 tbs
蒜茸 garlic - 1 tsp
辣椒丝 sliced red chilies - 1/2 tbs
泥蟹 或 花蟹洗净,斩块 Mud Crab or Flower Crab - 2 kg ( Cleaned and cut into pieces)
番茄酱 Tomato Ketchup - 2 bottle ( 340 g per bottle )
辣椒酱 Chili Sauce - 2 tbs
梅子酱 Plum Sauce - 2 tbs
糖 Sugar - 4 tsp
盐 salt - 1/2 tsp ( to your own taste)
玉米粉 corn starch solution for
thickening - approximate 2 tbs
水 water - 4cups ( enugh to cover crabs)
蛋 egg - 1 no
##方法 Methods
1) 用中火把锅子烧热 , 放 2 tbs 油 , 爆香姜丝,蒜茸,辣椒丝。
2) 加入蟹块 , 兜炒至橙红色 , 加入番茄酱,辣椒酱,酸梅酱, 炒至油翻红.
3)调味 , 加水大火滚,关盖 , 焖煮6分钟。如果螃蟹较大只则多焖煮久一些。
5)转小火,慢慢调入蛋花。上盘, 趁热享用~
Chilli Crabs
Oil - 2 tbs
Shredded ginger - 2 tbs
Garlic - 1 tsp
Sliced red chilies - 1/2 tbs
Mud Crab or Flower Crab - 2 kg ( Cleaned and cut into pieces)
Tomato Ketchup - 2 bottle ( 340 g per bottle )
Chili Sauce - 2 tbs
Plum Sauce - 2 tbs
Sugar - 4 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp ( to your own taste)
Corn starch solution for
thickening - approximate 2 tbs
Water - 4 cups( enough to cover crabs)
Egg - 1 no
1) Heat up oil in wok with medium heat , saute sliced ginger ,garlic and shredded chillies until slightly fragrant.
2) Add in cleaned and knocked crab pieces into the wok , keep tossing it with laddle until all sides turn into reddish orange colour, add in ketchup and other sauces and stir fry until the oil become red in colour.
3) Season with salt and sugar , add in water,bring to boil and cover with lid. simmer for 6minutes, simmer for extra few minutes if the crab is big.
4) Remove lid , mix well and thicken the sauce. Toss well.
5)Turn into low flame and pour in eggs , slowly stir well to get egg set into small pieces. Serve hot and Bon Appetit ~~